note: Think of the process as checking out a shopping cart.
Note: Use | less to page results
git ls-remote origin | less
Version of GIT
git --version
Make the GIT output coloured
git config --global color.ui "auto"
Create the Repo
cd Documents git init mywonderfulrepo
This makes Documents/mywonderfulrepo/.git
Note:the git archives and mechanics are stored here.
cd mywonderfulrepo/ touch index.html git status
> untracked file
git add index.html <- adds this to the staging area git status
>... new file: index.html
git commit <- adds the files to the repo (add a comment as well)
Create a new file
touch index.html
Add a file to staging
git add index.html
git add . <- this adds all files at this level and folder children
git status
> new file: index.html
How to commit all files from staging.
git commit -m'Hello this is my message'
To create a new branch
git branch mynewbranch <- base the branch off the current branch
git branch hash mynewbranch <- base the branch off a different commit
git checkout -b newbranch <- create a new branch and check it out
Swap to a new branch
git checkout newbranch