- ES5 ( 2009 )
- ES6 ( 2015 )
- JS 2016
- JS 2017
- JS 2018
- JS 2019
- JS 2020
- JS 2021
- JS 2022
JS 2022
- Method .at();
- Object.hasOwn();
- RegExp: match indices(‘d’ flag);
- Error: .cause;
- New members of Classes;
- Private Slot Checks;
- Top-level Await.
- Method .at();
- Object.hasOwn();
- RegExp: match indices(‘d’ flag);
- Error: .cause;
- New members of Classes;
- Private Slot Checks;
- Top-level Await.
JS 2021
Some good detailed examples:
- Promise any():
const first = await Promise.any([prom1,prom2,prom3]);
- String replaceAll()
- Numeric Separators (_)
Promise.any([promise1, promise2])
const first = await Promise.any([prom1,prom2,prom3]);
text = text.replaceAll("Cats","Dogs");
text = text.replaceAll("cats","dogs");
text = text.replaceAll(/Cats/g,"Dogs");
text = text.replaceAll(/cats/g,"dogs");
Numeric separators
const num1 = 1_000_000_000;
const num2 = 1000000000;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (num1 === num2);
JS 2020
Todo: Get examples of these
- BigInt
- String matchAll()
- The Nullish Coalescing Operator (??)
- The Optional Chaining Operator (?.)
- Logical AND Assignment Operator (&&=)
- Logical OR Assignment (||=)
- Nullish Coalescing Assignment (??=)
- Promise allSettled():
Promise.allSettled([prom1,prom2,prom3]).then {}
- Dynamic Import
JavaScript integers Number can only represent 15 digits.
A BigInt can store X digits.
let x = 9999999999999999;
let y = BigInt("9999999999999999");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x + "<br>" + y;
Integer and BigInt
let text = "I love cats. Cats are very easy to love. Cats are very popular."
const iterator = text.matchAll(/Cats/gi);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = Array.from(iterator);
The JavaScript typeof a BigInt is "biting"
Dynamic Imports
Allows lazy loading
Load a module on demand at runtime.
// Static imports // import { ... } from '...'; // ... import('./module.mjs').then((module) => { // The exports are accessible through the module object module.myFunction(); });
button.addEventListener('click', async () => { const { myFunction } = await import('./module.mjs'); myFunction(); });
JS 2019
- String.trimStart()
- String.trimEnd()
- Object.fromEntries
- Optional catch binding
- Array.flat()
- Array.flatMap()
- Revised Array.Sort()
- Revised JSON.stringify()
- Separator symbols allowed in string litterals
- Revised Function.toString()
JS 2018
- Asynchronous Iteration
- Promise Finally
- Object Rest Properties
- New RegExp Features
- JavaScript Shared Memory
let myPromise = new Promise();
let { x, y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 };
x; // 1
y; // 2
z; // { a: 3, b: 4 }
- Unicode Property Escapes (\p{...})
- Lookbehind Assertions (?<= ) and (?<! )
- Named Capture Groups
- s (dotAll) Flag
Note: Put laborious work onto a Web Worker.
Note: Data is sent between the main thread and workers through messages.
Let us name the files main.js and worker.js.
// main.js
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
// main.js
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
worker.postMessage('Happy Birthday');
Note: the data is copied and not shared.
// worker.js
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
var message = + 'to myself!';
JavaScript Threads
In JavaScript you use the Web Workers API to create threads.
Worker threads are used to execute code in the background so that the main program can continue execution.
Worker threads run simultaneously with the main program. Simultaneous execution of different parts of a program can be time-saving.
JavaScript Shared Memory
Shared memory is a feature that allows threads (different parts of a program) to access and update the same data in the same memory.
Instead of passing data between threads, you can pass a SharedArrayBuffer object that points to the memory where data is saved.
A SharedArrayBuffer object represents a fixed-length raw binary data buffer similar to the ArrayBuffer object.
JS 2017
- JavaScript String padding
- JavaScript Object entries()
- JavaScript Object values()
- JavaScript async and await
- JavaScript Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
The Object.entries() method returns an array of the key/value pairs in an object:
const person = {
firstName : "John",
lastName : "Doe",
age : 50,
eyeColor : "blue"
let text = Object.entries(person);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;
The Object.values() method returns an array of values from an object:
const person = {
firstName : "John",
lastName : "Doe",
age : 50,
eyeColor : "blue"
let text = Object.values(person)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;
// John,Doe,50,blue
- JavaScript Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
JS 2016
- JavaScript Exponentiation (**)
- JavaScript Exponentiation assignment (**=)
- JavaScript Array includes()
- JavaScript Exponentiation (**)
JavaScript exponent is the same as Math.pow(x, y)
let x = 5;
let z = x ** 2;
- JavaScript Exponentiation assignment (**=)
- JavaScript Array includes()
Check if the fruit array contains "Mango":
const fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = fruits.includes("Mango");
ES6 (2015)
- The let keyword
- The const keyword
- Arrow Functions
- The ... Operator
- For/of
- Map Objects
- Set Objects
- Classes
- Promises
- Symbol
- Default Parameters
- Function Rest Parameter
- String.includes()
- String.startsWith()
- String.endsWith()
- Array.from()
- Array keys()
- Array find()
- Array findIndex()
- New Math Methods
- New Number Properties
- New Number Methods
- New Global Methods
- Object entries
- JavaScript Modules
- Map Objects
- Set Objects
- Classes
- Promises
- Symbol
- Default Parameters
- Function Rest Parameter
- String.includes()
- String.startsWith()
- String.endsWith()
- Array.from()
- Array keys()
- Array find()
- Array findIndex()
- New Math Methods
- New Number Properties
- New Number Methods
- New Global Methods
- Object entries
- JavaScript Modules
ES5 ( 2009 )
- "use strict"
- String[number] access
- Multiline strings
- String.trim()
- Array.isArray()
- Array forEach()
- Array map()
- Array filter()
- Array reduce()
- Array reduceRight()
- Array every()
- Array some()
- Array indexOf()
- Array lastIndexOf()
- JSON.parse()
- JSON.stringify()
- Date toISOString()
- Date toJSON()
- Property getters and setters
- Reserved words as property names
- Object methods
- Object defineProperty()
- Function bind()
- Trailing commas
- "use strict"
- String[number] access
- Multiline strings
- String.trim()
- Array.isArray()
- Array forEach()
- Array map()
- Array filter()
- Array reduce()
- Array reduceRight()
- Array every()
- Array some()
- Array indexOf()
- Array lastIndexOf()
- JSON.parse()
- JSON.stringify()
- Date toISOString()
- Date toJSON()
- Property getters and setters
- Reserved words as property names
- Object methods
- Object defineProperty()
- Function bind()